Single-cell RNA-Seq pipeline for barcode-based protocols such as 10x, DropSeq or SmartSeq, offering a variety of aligners and empty-droplet detection
). The latest
stable release is
This document describes the output produced by the pipeline. Most of the plots are taken from the MultiQC report, which summarises results at the end of the pipeline.
Pipeline overview
The pipeline is built using Nextflow and processes data using the following steps:
See FastQC for details about FastQC.
The pipeline analyzes the raw data and generates for each file a FastQC report. All report are collected in MultiQC.
Output directory: results/fastqc
- Contains the FastQC report.
- Contains additional information, such as individual plots, and FastQC raw data.
The FastQC plots displayed in the MultiQC report shows the unprocessed reads. Depending on the protocol, they may contain barcodes, UMIs and adapter sequences.
Kallisto & Bustools Results
See Kallisto for details about Kallisto and Bustools for more information on BusTools.
The pipeline can analyze data from single cell rnaseq experiments and generates a set of folders with respective outputs from various steps of the analysis. For a detailed summary what the pipeline does specifically, please follow the excellent tutorial that also describes specific steps for downstream analysis of the generated matrices.
Output directory: results/kallisto
- Contains the unconverted BUS formatted pseudo aligned data
- Contains the same BUS formatted data, sorted and corrected with the supplied barcode whitelist
- Contains the converted GTF gene map that is used by BUSTools for downstream analysis
- Contains two subdirectories
: Containing the Transcript Compatibility Count (TCC) Matrix (tcc.mtx
: Containing the Gene Count Matrix (gene.mtx
- Contains two subdirectories
* Contains the JSON metrics generated by BUStools
For details on how to load these into R and perform further downstream analysis, please refer to the BusTools HowTo.
Output directory: results/reference_genome
- Contains the index of the supplied (genome/transcriptome) fasta file
Output directory: results/star
- Files will be organized in one directory per sample
- Contains the mapped BAM files and output metrics created by STARsolo
Output directory: results/reference_genome
- Contains the index of the supplied genome fasta file
Salmon & Alevin-fry & AlevinQC
This pipeline uses the simplified and flexible modules in Simpleaf for processing single-cell data with Salmon as the underlying mapper and Alevin-fry as the quantification tool. For detailed examples of using the quantification results generated by Alevin-fry in downstream analyses, such as RNA-velocity, please refer to Alevin-fry/simpleaf tutorials.
Output directory: results/alevin
- Contains the count matrix created by Alevin-fry
- Contains the QC report for the aforementioned Alevin-fry output data
Output directory: results/reference_genome
- Contains the indexed reference transcriptome for the Salmon mapper
- The transcriptome to gene mapping TSV file utilized by Alevin-fry
Cell Ranger is a set of analysis scripts that processes 10x Chromium single cell data to align reads, generate feature-barcode matrices, perform clustering and other secondary analysis. See Cellranger for more information on Cellranger.
Output directory: results/cellranger
- Contains the mapped BAM files, filtered and unfiltered HDF5 matrices and output metrics created by Cellranger
Cellranger ARC
Cell Ranger ARC is a set of analysis pipelines that process Chromium Single Cell Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression sequencing data to generate a variety of analyses pertaining to gene expression (GEX), chromatin accessibility, and their linkage. Furthermore, since the ATAC and GEX measurements are on the very same cell, we are able to perform analyses that link chromatin accessibility and GEX. See Cellranger ARC for more information on Cellranger.
Output directory: results/cellrangerarc
- Contains the mapped BAM files, filtered and unfiltered HDF5 matrices and output metrics created by Cellranger ARC
Cellranger multi
Cell Ranger Multi is the 10x analysis pipeline for multiomics and multiplexed experiments. See Cell Ranger Multi for the corresponding documentation.
Output directory: results/cellrangermulti
- Overall same output structure as cellranger. In case of multiplexed samples there will be one ouput folder for each demultiplexed sample, and one containing all (non-demultiplexed) cells.
Cellbender emptydrops filter
The pipeline also possess a subworkflow imported from scdownstream to perform emptydrops calling and filtering using cellbender. The process is simple, it takes a raw/unfiltered matrix file, and performs the emptydrops calling and filtering on it, generating another matrix file.
Users can turn it of with
Output directory: results/${params.aligner}/${}/emptydrops_filter
- Contains the emptydrops filtered matrices results generated by the cellbender subworkflow.
Other output data
Output directory: results/reference_genome
- Contains the utilized cell barcode whitelists (if applicable)
- When supplied with a
genome fasta, this contains the extracted transcriptome - The GTF file supplied with
is used to extract the transcriptome positions appropriately
- When supplied with a
Output directory: results/${params.aligner}/mtx_conversions
files converted to AnnData in.h5ad
format, using scanpy package.- One per sample and a single one with all samples concatenated together
files converted to R native data format, rds, using the Seurat package- One per sample
Because the pipeline has both the data directly from the aligners, and from the cellbender empty-drops filtering module, the conversion modules were modified to understand the difference between raw/filtered from the aligners itself and filtered from the empty-drops module. So, to try to avoid confusion by the user, we added “suffixes” to the generated converted files so that we have provenance from what input it came from.
So, the conversion modules generate data with the following syntax: *_{raw,filtered,emptydrops_filter}_matrix.{h5ad,rds}
. With the following meanings:
suffix | meaning |
raw | Conversion of the raw/unprocessed matrix generated by the tool. It is also used for tools that generate only one matrix, such as alevin. |
filtered | Conversion of the filtered/processed matrix generated by the tool |
emptydrops_filter | Conversion of the matrix that was generated by the cellbender empty drops filter module |
Some aligners, like
do not produce both raw&filtered matrices. When aligners give only one output, they are treated with theraw
suffix. Some aligners may have an option to give both raw&filtered and only one, likekallisto
. Be aware when using the tools.
Output files
: a standalone HTML file that can be viewed in your web browser.multiqc_data/
: directory containing parsed statistics from the different tools used in the pipeline.multiqc_plots/
: directory containing static images from the report in various formats.
MultiQC is a visualization tool that generates a single HTML report summarising all samples in your project. Most of the pipeline QC results are visualised in the report and further statistics are available in the report data directory.
Results generated by MultiQC collate pipeline QC from supported tools e.g. FastQC. The pipeline has special steps which also allow the software versions to be reported in the MultiQC output for future traceability. For more information about how to use MultiQC reports, see
Pipeline information
Output files
- Reports generated by Nextflow:
. - Reports generated by the pipeline:
. Thepipeline_report*
files will only be present if the--email
parameter’s are used when running the pipeline. - Reformatted samplesheet files used as input to the pipeline:
. - Parameters used by the pipeline run:
- Reports generated by Nextflow:
Nextflow provides excellent functionality for generating various reports relevant to the running and execution of the pipeline. This will allow you to troubleshoot errors with the running of the pipeline, and also provide you with other information such as launch commands, run times and resource usage.