Coprolite host Identification pipeline
This pipeline uses DSL1. It will not work with Nextflow versions after
Launch version 1.1.1 22.10.6
Learn more.
Version history
This is a patch release
What’s Changed
- Add pipeline schema
- Update environment to fix broken dependancies by @maxibor in
Full Changelog:…1.1.1
Changes since version 1.0
- Update mapped basepair count to be quicker and include it in report #14
- Remove outdated scripts #14
- Update logo to match font #13
- Update Sourcepredict to version 0.4 and reflect new parameters in coproID #19 e4afca7 c2d4164
- Changed bedtools bamtofastq to samtools fastq e4afca7
- Fixed column names in report (PC* to DIM* ) e4afca7
- Update README to inlude Zenodo badge, Quick start, contributor section, and tools references. 9874ae8 e85988b
- Update documentation bedfdde
- Update Nextflow minimum version to 19.04.0 44999fd
- Update travis for more recent nextflow requirements 1e3e454
- Adapt coproID to nf-core tools 1.8 release #21
- Add social preview image #22
- Fix Kraken2 segmentation error #26
- Update to nf-core tools 1.9 release, and doc for new version of sphinx #27
- coproID is now published in PeerJ
coproID release 1.0
coproID is a pipeline I originally developped outside of nf-core to perform the host identification of archaelogical faeces using endogenous DNA content and machine learning on microbiome compositon. I adapted it to nf-core recently, following the hackaton in Tubingen.
coproID contains both published external softwares, homecooked package (sourcepredict), as well as custom python scripts.
Improvements over coproID version 0.6
- Support for 3 organism comparison
- Adding sourcepredict
- Updating reports to have interactive plotting
- Updated to use Kraken2 instead of Kraken1
- Adding docker
Adaptions to port to nf-core
- Major redefinition of the channels creation to adapt to iGenomes and profiles
- Added and adapted all the nf-core boilerplate code for support of configs and containers
- Improved documentation